
Well that was the plan! But the reality looks different. As a mom of an 8 month old boy you take every free minute you can get to live your hobby. But what am I telling you. Some of you probably have 2 or more kids and even less time and you’ve got it done? I know I know … 

The plan was to sew myself a lunch bag where I can put all the food I have to take with me when my son and I are out for some fun. Means a glass of baby food for lunch here, a fruit purée there. Water for in between, a spoon, a bib, wet wipes … the list is long. 

I just wanted a bag where I can put all the stuff inside I need to feed my baby when we are out. I remembered that pattydoo.de has a freebook to sew your own lunch bag. Ready -steady – sew!!!

By Anne

Sew Organised